Private Two-Day Intensive

Restaurant Marketing Bootcamp


Can you really build an outrageously-profitable

restaurant that prints money 7-days a week?

I did it. Others do it.

Why NOT you?

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve been one of the most visible, respected, controversial, and well-paid restaurant marketing "experts" in the game.

Along the way, I've taught a vast mob of hard-working, crazy-ass owners... how to cold-cock their competitors, steal their customers, pull invisible profits out of thin air... and stick it to all the idiots trying to sell them crap marketing gimmicks.

Hell, these plane tickets and speaker badges are just a fraction of what I racked up hopping all over the planet.

But then... I walked away.

People were shocked...

...and, for years now, hounding me to get back on the road so they can experience one of my notorious marketing workshops in person.

Ain't gonna happen.

I only work privately now... in my Las Vegas office, with owners who can pass the "I don't own a restaurant for a hobby" test.

So, first things first... if you are:

  • A "part-time" or absentee owner

  • Covering payroll with credit cards

  • Not doing at least $50k a month

Then this boot-camp is NOT for you.

And, if the 15k to come out here is the difference between paying your mortgage - or not... please, pay your mortgage.

However, if you're highly confident in yourself, and feeling a tad frisky...

Fasten your seatbelt...

We'll begin at 6:30 am... have a working lunch, and wrap up around 2:30 or so. Then you can pound the strip, take in a show, or whatever devious activities you see fit. We'll repeat that on day two.

We will hunker down in my conference room for two full action-packed days of intensive one-on-one training...

  1. You will learn how to grow bottom line profits immediately, and without spending a nickel...

  2. You will learn more about attracting customers, multiplying profits and destroying competitors than you ever imagined...

  3. You will leave with a detailed, step-by-step action plan to implement when you get back home...

Advertising Mastery

You will learn how to take customers from your competitors on-demand, whenever you want.

You will have proven fill-in-the-blanks frameworks and cheat-sheets to:

  • Write powerful ads that “hook” new customers

  • Create compelling offers that drive traffic (and make you money)

  • Craft a guarantee that leaves your competitors in the dust

  • Reallocate marketing $$ (and reduce) what you're spending now

  • Create traffic-driving "deals" (where customers pay FULL price)

  • Use the "nuclear" option to neutralize competitors

  • Effortlessly 2X the profit on most orders

  • Attract new customers without suicidal discounts

Also hard-wired into your brain...

  • The real secret to using social media (nothing to do with "posting")

  • How to make Yelp - your bitch... (scads of new traffic for free)...

  • How to craft hyper-effective emails (you'll see 47+% open rates)...

  • What every email must contain (and where)...

  • How to attract Millennials (if you want them) ...

You'll fly home as though on a magic-carpet-ride, with a step-by-step plan designed to transport you to a new life... your mind bursting with new possibilities and excitement.

But, we're not done yet (sorry)...

We will chat twice a month for the next 90 days so I can:

  1. Review your progress...

  2. Clear up any questions that pop up...

  3. Hold you accountable (I'm going to push you)...

That's it my friend. And, I know you have questions rolling around in your head... "Is this two days really worth 15 grand?" "Is Kamron an asshole?" "What if I go there, and his address is a vacant lot...?"

All legitimate questions...

So, if you want to see if this is a fit for both of us...

Here's what you need to do now...

#1: Click the button and have a credit card handy for a $1,000 refundable deposit. Why the deposit? It tells me you're serious (and thins out the time-sucks who want to chew the fat all day)...

#2: After fronting the deposit, you'll go straight to a page with a few simple questions. I'll be notified the minute you submit that. I'll eyeball it, and you'll get a link to my private calendar to schedule a discovery phone call.

#3: Think of that call as a 2-way interview. You'll have plenty of questions for me, and I'll have some for you. The goal for both of us is to be 100% sure this is be a profitable investment of your time and money.

If you (or I) decide it's not a good fit, I will immediately refund your $1,000 deposit on the spot. And, we'll part friends.

Ball's in your court.

But I'll tell you... nothing exciting ever happens by saying "no."

If you're excited by this opportunity, it's time to move.

If you're still wondering...

Who the hell is Kamron Karington

and why would I even consider dropping $15,000

to spend two days with him?

(here's a quick run down memory lane)...

I'm the guy that bought a run-down pizzeria while on a phone call to get tickets to the Rolling Stones. After making all the stupid rookie mistakes, I almost went berserk one morning... but then calmly sat down as a life-altering question drifted into my mind. 30-days later sales were up 123%... and then catapulted from $12,000/mo to $149,000/mo over the next three years.

After cashing out... I put everything I'd learned about growing sales into a 400-page restaurant marketing course. To my utter amazement, the "Black Book" sold out worldwide (every continent except Antarctica) at $600 a copy and forever changed how thousands of independents do their marketing.

It wasn't long before Pizza Today, PMQ, Restaurant Startup & Growth (to mention a few), came sniffing around... begging for articles, columns, even just a "quote" they could print in their rags.

Then, I became disgusted with one of the "publications" because they wanted me to "soften" my criticism of a predatory 3PO player (one of their big advertisers). I haven't returned their calls since.

Pizza Expo even put me on an exclusive (and very fat) retainer for two reasons:

1. Boost attendance because my particular marketing message could only be experienced at Pizza Expo...

2. Keep me off the market so they could squash a rival upstart (PMQ had started a new show and Pizza Expo didn't want it taking off).

I've been told - my Pizza Expo audiences became so massive (standing room only) they pretty much emptied the showroom floor).

This photo is from my very last marketing presentation at Pizza Expo in 2010. Over 1,000 owners crowded into 3 halls.

KK's Pizza Expo Workshops 2003-2010

A friend pointed out that independent pizzerias took market share from the chains during my entire 7-year run at Pizza Expo.

Unfortunately, they gave it all back (and more) over the next 5 years.

Coincidence? Probably. But during that same time, (and even during the pandemic) my Repeat Returns clients have way outperformed.

I'm flattered that some believe I had that much impact on the industry. The real credit goes to the owners who implement what they learn.

What others say...

(I've got lots more, but you're probably getting bored with this by now)

In 2010, I authored "Gun To The Head Marketing." One of the Amazon reviews calls it "Raw and risky." I agree (you don't want to read the first chapter right before bedtime).

The one comment I kept hearing from restaurant owners was: "I just can't find the time to do all this marketing stuff."

That's when I decided I had to develop a "done-for-you" digital marketing platform that was so ridiculously affordable, any restaurant owner who wanted to... could have it, and change their life.

Today, Repeat Returns is one of the most respected restaurant marketing platforms, powering sales increases for over 200 chains, franchises, multi-unit operators and independents nationwide.

Here's a handful of brands that have hired me over the years

You up for it?

If you're looking to bull-doze those pesky competitors and bypass the costly learning curve... then maybe it's not such a crazy idea.

Please, don't submit this unless:

  • You have a viable restaurant that can scale

  • You don't need to tap your 401k to do this

  • You are not delusional about hanging out for two days... and thinking miracles will happen. Gonna take effort.

I'm serious. I've watched too many decent, hard-working folks keep plowing money into dead restaurants... until they were so broke they were destitute (seen a couple of complete assholes do it too).

To see if the deep dive experience is right for you... submit this and check your email...

Private Training Refundable Deposit
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